Can Migraine Cause Watery Eyes?

"Migraine: A Cause of Watery Eyes?"

During a migraine attack, watery eyes can occur either before or during the attack. This is likely due to the impact of migraines on the nerves, which also affect the eyes. Other types of headaches, such as cluster headaches, can also lead to watery eyes.
Migraines are a type of severe headache disorder that involves recurrent attacks.

The symptoms of a migraine include moderate to severe pain that mainly affects one side of the head. Nausea, vomiting, and temporary blurred vision may also be experienced.

Although watery eyes are not a common symptom of migraines, some individuals may experience excessive tearing due to facial pain caused by migraines. Moreover, a connection between migraines and dry eye syndrome can result in watery eyes.
However, there may be other reasons your eyes water when you have a headache. For instance, cluster headaches, a different type, often cause watery eyes.

Read on to learn more about the relationship between headaches and watery eyes.

How does a migraine affect your eyes?

Migraine symptoms can persist for 4 to 72 hours if not addressed promptly. Aside from headaches, individuals may experience other common symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, noise, smell, or light sensitivity. Ocular symptoms typically last less than an hour, although approximately 20% of people may experience symptoms that last longer. These symptoms usually affect one eye and develop on the same side as the head pain.

With a retinal (or ocular) migraine, you may experience:

  • Temporary loss of vision
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • a blind spot in one eye
  • Seeing bright or flashing lights
  • See photos showing the heat wave

Many people who suffer from migraines experience ocular symptoms that may be connected to what is known as an “aura.” This phase, often referred to as “migraine with aura,” is characterized by visual and neurological symptoms that typically manifest 10 to 60 minutes before the onset of a headache. This phase is estimated to affect roughly one-third of all individuals who experience migraines.

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Dry eye syndrome

Did you know that dry eye syndrome can cause watery eyes? When your eyes are dry and irritated, your lacrimal glands go into overdrive and produce excess tears. Interestingly, there may also be a connection between dry eye syndrome and migraines. A recent study discovered that people with migraines are 20% more likely to experience dry eyes than those without.

Even more significantly, a follow-up study in 2021 found that the link is five times stronger in people with migraines, including aura. Experts believe that this connection may be due to the impact of migraines on the trigeminal nerve, which is a large nerve that provides sensation to your face and is involved in tear production.

Sinus problems

Did you know that migraines can impact the sinuses in your head? The spaces behind your eyes and nose are responsible for draining mucus from your nose and interacting with the trigeminal nerve, which is why they are connected.

Based on information from the American Migraine Foundation, around 45% of individuals who experience migraines also encounter sinus symptoms like nasal congestion or watery eyes. This may lead many individuals to describe it as a sinus headache. Still, research suggests that up to 90% of people who believe they have a sinus headache are experiencing a migraine.

Is it a migraine or cluster headache?

Migraines and cluster headaches have symptoms like severe and potential auras. However, cluster headaches typically last for a shorter duration (15 to 120 minutes) and can occur multiple times daily.

Both types of headaches can cause sharp head pain and watering eyes, but the latter is more common in individuals with cluster headaches.

Approximately 90% of those with cluster headaches experience red or watering eyes. Those with cluster headaches may also experience a swollen, red, and watery look on the same side as head pain and a runny nose.

Consider the following significant differences and similarities in symptoms:

Migraine Cluster headache
The onset of symptoms suddenly
Headache behind one eye
Pain on one side of the head
Watery eyes on the same side of the head pain
eyelid drooping
Runny nose
Feeling restless

Cluster headaches are also three times more common in people assigned male at birth than those assigned female. The opposite is true for migraines.

Other rare headaches

In addition to cluster headaches, other rarer headaches may cause watery eyes. These include:

  • hemicrania continues
  • Paroxysmal hemispheres
  • Primary stabbing headache (“snow pick”)
  • Short-term unilateral neuromorphic headache with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT)

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What can cause watery eyes?

Your watery eyes may not be related to your headache. Other possible causes include:

  • Conjunctivitis or other eye infections
  • allergy
  • Irritation from exposure to environmental factors, such as smoke or chemicals
  • Eyelid gland problems
  • Blockage of tear ducts
  • Lower eyelid sagging
  • Blepharitis, which causes blepharitis

Common triggers

Your environment or activities can sometimes trigger both migraines and watery eyes. Some common triggers include:

  • bright lights
  • air quality
  • Changes in weather or air pressure
  • Eyestrain

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How can I control watery eyes from a headache?

If you are experiencing watery eyes due to headaches, it is essential to seek medical advice to identify the root cause. Your doctor may suggest combining medications and self-care techniques to manage the symptoms.


Medications that help treat or prevent headaches may include:

  • Prescription migraine treatment: May relieve symptoms such as nausea and pain. Abortive therapies, such as pain relievers, are used during an acute attack in migraine and cluster headaches.
  • Triptans: A doctor may prescribe triptans to relieve migraine headache pain. Some formulations, such as sumatriptan (Imitrex), can also help treat cluster headaches if you take them by injection or nasal spray.
  • Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) inhibitors: Two types of anti-CGRP medications specifically can help migraines. Monoclonal antibodies may help prevent migraines, while Giant may help relieve pain once it occurs.
  • Botulinum toxin A: Also known as Botox, these injectable medications may help prevent chronic migraines in some people.
  • Hormone therapy: A doctor may recommend this option for people assigned to females at birth who experience migraine attacks related to their menstrual cycles.
  • Other prescription medications: Certain medications commonly prescribed by doctors for high blood pressure, depression, and epilepsy may also help some people with migraines.
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics: OTC options such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil), or acetaminophen (Tylenol) may help relieve pain from migraines and other types of headaches.

The type of medication prescribed for watery eyes varies depending on the underlying cause. For instance, allergy-induced watery eyes and sinus headaches may require a doctor’s recommendation for an antihistamine or decongestant, which comes in both oral and eye drop forms.

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If you frequently experience watery eyes, you can find relief using over-the-counter eye drops. Artificial tears for dry eyes are an excellent option as they prevent the tear ducts from producing excessive tears.

In addition, the following lifestyle modifications may help reduce the frequency and severity of headaches:

  • stress management
  • regular exercise
  • Get enough sleep
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid any known personal triggers, such as caffeine or certain foods

Read more: What Are the Stages of a Migraine Episode?


Frequent migraines can cause throbbing and pain in the head, as well as eye-related symptoms like aura and watery eyes. If you experience these symptoms, it’s wise to consult your doctor. They can help determine if other issues like cluster headaches, allergies, or eye problems could cause your headaches and watery eyes.

Consider seeing a doctor immediately if you experience other eye symptoms, such as itching, burning, or redness. These may be signs of an allergy, infection, or headache, such as SUNCT.

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